If you think your product is a good fit for HarpinOnRugby and you'd like to see your logo featured here on the main page or elsewhere across our social media presence, contact us at to enquire. 

With a following of over 15k across the social media spectrum plus new social media posts spaced along the timeline every day throughout the rugby season, you can be guaranteed excellent exposure throughout the week.

We offer competitive rates to promote your business in various ways:
  1. BANNER DISPLAY - Add your logo to our website AND/or our increasingly popular Facebook page.
  2. SPONSOR INDIVIDUAL FEATURE - Have your company name put to one of our regular features; for example our new daily "Front 5" post including rugby links & quotes from around the internet has more than doubled the overall traffic to the site since its introduction at the end of July 2014.  
  3. COMPETITION PRIZE - We run a unique style of competition called an "unriggable raffle" which will give you daily exposure throughout a given week; all you need to do is offer a decent prize.  We are of course also willing to run a more conventional competition if you'd prefer.
  4. FREELANCE ARTICLES - available on request.
CHARITIES & GRASS ROOTS RUGBY CLUBS - This should of course go without saying, but if you have any events you want to plug here on the website, we are more than happy to do so free of charge!

RETWEETING & GENERAL SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING - to be fair to those who offer quid pro quo by way of contributions to HarpinOnRugby and/or our readers (as well as to keep the lights on here at Harpin Manor!), it is our policy not to share social media posts from private businesses with whom we have had no previous dealings in any capacity.

Media kit available on request.


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019