Saturday, June 02, 2012


The BBC did it. Queen Elizabeth did it. Hollywood often does it. Now, even HarpinOnRugby is doing it.

Folks, I'd like to introduce you to HarpinOnRugby2, my new blog.  But it's not only mine, I hope it can also be yours.

The original purpose of HarpinOnRugby was to give my personal views on Leinster & Ireland rugby.  Then along came Twitter & Facebook, and suddenly I had the chance to tap into rugby opinions from players, journalists and most of all fans of the great game from all over the globe.

But I realise that not everyone is happy to shorten their views to just 140 characters or the length of a Facebook comment.  I also of course realise that there's more to talk about in rugby than just Leinster and Ireland.

And so, we now have this space (which has been built on the blog I used for last season's Roots & All project), where I will be happy to publish match reports, opinions, videos, anything really once it's respectful and has to do with rugby "from grass roots to the World Cup", as the tagline suggests.

Of course I will also be publishing my own opinions from time to time here, but I'd really like this to be a multi-contributor blog so I will be chasing up the best writers I can get from around the social media sphere to provide content.

As for my own contributions, there are some ideas in the pipeline for the 2012/13 campaign, but the one thing I can guarantee is that things will be scaled back a bit compared to what you have seen in the past few seasons.  That ol' devil called real life can get in the way, you know!  So while I can't keep to the "24/7" pledge anymore, I will certainly do my best to stick to the "Stay In Touch, Never Pause, Always Engage" one!  We all know the word "pause" can mean many things in the game of rugby, right?

Some of the more popular features will be kept, just with a few tweaks here and there, plus they won't be as often.  I'll have a clearer idea of what will be on offer as the pre-season draws near.

But as far as HarpinOnRugby2 goes, it's open for business as of now.  Have something you want to get off your chest?  Drop me an email and I'll do my best to give you space here plus Twitter & Facebook support to get it some hits! Let's be 'avin ye!!! JLP

© JL Pagano 2012


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019