Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Front Five - 27.01.15

Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.

BT have first choice on their two quarter-finals, as all of them feature English teams, and the expectation is that they would pick Leinster v Bath

Leinster opposed to idea of Good Friday quarter-final

Gerry Thornley - Irish Times

While Glasgow would have seen their financial outlay fully been written off by the Kilmarnock County Council, Kingspan Stadium’s bid was backed by the Belfast City Council

Ulster’s added incentive as Belfast hosts final

Jim Stokes - Irish Examiner

...pride is a key element of the Munster ethos and after losing to Clermont in round 3 another home defeat was not an option. 
Gayl - WestTerraceView

Mauls originally belonged to an older style of rugby...so why have they become a modern attacking weapon? 
The Gain Line

‘Right, my name’s Cazzer not Cathal and I’ll fight the biggest lad here.’

Cathal Pendred Challenged Cian Healy To A Fight On His First Day Of School

Mikey Traynor - Balls.ie

Feel free to share any interesting links you spot yourself about t’internet by email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blog comment or carrier pigeon – whatever works for you. JLP
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019