Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Importance of Good Shoes for Sports

Common Foot Injuries Caused by Bad Shoes

We’re being told all the time how important it is to stay active.  Whether it’s through sports or going to the gym there is no denying that staying active is very important but for those that participate in active sports like rugby really need to take care of their feet.  You’ve probably heard your doctor mention it, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions such as plantar fasciitis, chronic heel pain or diabetes, to name just a few.  If you have a health condition like diabetes where it’s essential to stay active, it’s recommended by several clinics including one Diabetes Brampton foot clinic, that you visit a chiropodist to get advice on the best footwear.

No matter what your health condition is, engaging in high impact sports like running, soccer or rugby puts serious stress on your feet, knees and hips.  Below are some common problems associated with high impact sports that you should be aware.  These are often lessened by wearing proper footwear.

  1. Runner’s Knee
Ever heard of patellofemoral pain syndrome?  It’s the same thing.  Runner’s knees usually affect, you guessed it: runners.  Symptoms include tenderness, clicking and pain particularly in the back.  A bad set of shoes will not cause runners knee by themselves but they certainly can aggravate it.

  1. Shin Splints
A very common problem caused by prolonged overuse and high impact sports with little cushioning or support for the feet.  It manifests itself as pain along the front of the shin and can be very debilitating, often sidelining the athlete.

  1. Sprains & Strains
This is the most common injury to get if your shoes are not supportive or stabilizing enough.  Ever felt your foot twist painfully because your ankle gave in at an awkward angle?  That’s exactly how you get a sprain.  You’ll know when you get one because it will be painful to walk on for a couple days at least.  The best way to prevent getting sprains is to run on flat surfaces and make sure the running shoes you buy have adequate ankle support.

Whether it’s shoes for the sport you participate in, shoes for walking, or even just for everyday wear, cheap flimsy shoes are not worth the “savings”.  Low cost often equals low quality, and that might end up costing you way more in injuries, medical care and recovery time.  Don’t chance it, do the research, spend a little extra and take good care of your feet.  After all, you expect them to support you through thick and thin!


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019