Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Marvel comic baddie is a rugby fan

I notice that often when a US drama features people from different countries watching television themselves as part of the story, they are often watching soccer.  An Arab terrorist cell on Homeland chilling out before an attack?  Soccer.  Mexican drug dealers on Breaking Bad waiting to meet Heisenberg?  Soccer.

Come to think of it, as far as the American TV makers are concerned it seems to be only the bad guys who like the round ball game.  Until now.

In the Marvel comics series Jessica Jones on Netflix, when she has an encounter with the baddie Kilgrave, played by ex Doctor Who David Tennant, he is actually watching rugby, which leads me to believe there's an egg-chasing fan involved in writing the show.

As you see in the clip above, as Kilgrave is using his mind control powers to get a police officer to jump off the side of the building as he no longer needs him, the villain is ironically bemoaning a spear tackle in the match he is watching.  Perhaps it was a replay of the 1st Lions test from 2005?  Ahem...



Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019