Friday, July 05, 2019

Introducing the HarpinOnRugby Podcast

Finally having a go at the podcasting here at Harpin Manor, after having all the best intentions for years.  We finally seem to have found an app that suits what we want to do so if you click the play button above you'll get to hear our first attempt.

Right now the plan is to do all of our 'Harpin Points' posts in the format from now on, as well as interviews with fellow fans about matters egg-chasing.

For the pilot I simply read out the writeup of our win last November over the All Blacks in the hope that we as Irish fans can remember that it really wasn't so long ago that we were showing world-beating form.

Anyway, have a listen if you can - I'll try not to make the episodes too long.  We're hoping to add other different content formats to our repertoire in time for the World Cup - stay tuned!!!  JLP 


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019