Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Ireland Jersey McJerseyface Cup Final : We have a winner!

It was a close run final - the lead changed hands a few times, once or twice it was literally 50-50, but the 2005-06 design had enough to hold off RWC2003 in the final quarter for a 51.6%-48.4% triumph.

Many thanks again to @museumofjerseys for the graphics, @IrishRugbySupp for helping organise, to @CanterburyNZ for the winning design and of course @IrishRugby for providing the players to wear the jerseys 😜
Most of all, thanks to all who voted over the past few weeks!!!

Now to do the Lions!!!!???
Nah, maybe not. I reckon I'm polled out - maybe someone else can do it now. Back to actual harping on actual rugby methinks!!! πŸ˜‰ JLP


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019