Saturday, August 29, 2020

Front Five - 29.08.20

Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.

ICYMI click here for our
Ulster v Leinster preview

Rob Kearney starts as the clock ticks down to the 34-year-old’s departure at the end of the season. 

Sean Farrell -

The launch prompted considerable online backlash from fans who questioned why a player had not been used to display the new top

BBC Rugby

The measures restrict plans by Jamie hold a training camp ahead of the newly-created competition. 

RTÉ Rugby

...the game fizzled out to a conclusion, which will please Danny Wilson, but in the grand scheme doesn’t change much for either club.

Iain Hay - Scottish Rugby Blog

“I’ve been really fortunate to already achieve a lot, so everything now is all a bit of a bonus, and it’s just a case of taking any opportunity as it arises”

Feel free to share any interesting links you spot yourself about t’internet by email, Twitter, Facebook, blog comment or carrier pigeon – whatever works for you. JLP

Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019