First, I wish to add another lament about this match not being on the telly. This ties in nicely with the rant I did last Sunday. RTE’s excuse is no doubt that they had a Shamrock Rovers game on. Setanta, that they had a Spurs game on. So….TG4???? All I’m saying is…on my humble blog alone I got approaching 200 hits by people who google a phrase like “ireland connacht tv”. I have to assume that means they were hoping to watch it, and also that multiples of those who looked at my blog would also have watched it. So…an opportunity missed for advertisers. Again.
Now…credit to those who did bring us the match through social media, particularly SportsNews Ireland who did live score commentary throughout and had a report done the same evening, and also Rugby Source who seemed to be first in with the full report.
Plus here’s a selection of tweets & comments, thanks to all who chipped in (I’ll add more as I get them, feel free to add comments if you were at the game and had any thoughts) :
Tweet from @nkeegan: some great displays.. Wallace and mcfadden played blinders!Tweet from @BrendanFanning: A good night for Fergus McFadden and Isaac Boss – a step closer to Ireland World Cup ticket for both
Michael Kirwan : Good enough game. Weathered some pressure from Connaught. Some awful passing too. Leo's try was great; quick thinking from Ferg. Disagree re Wallace. I reckon this was his level. Good kicking display but very average in open play.