Thursday, December 05, 2013

The Eggchasers Podcast

We may rightly give the English clubs a lot of stick, but that’s for their chairmen not their fans…shows like this one remind us they’re just like us really…


Podcasts are my “exercise juice”.  Now what with my dodgy knee & all, I may be limited to walking this weather (which as I type includes gale force winds but even that wouldn’t stop me) but I put in between 45 mins to an hour at least 5 days a week so I reckon that’s a decent shift.

Naturally the subject matter tends to be rugby, and I have been living on a staple diet recently of Second Captains & Off The Ball for the past while, and of course before its recent unfortunate demise there was Talking Rugby with Dave O’Grady.

Recently however I added the Eggchasers to my list after they followed HoR on twitter and I suggest you do so too.  For me, their tagline says it all…
“We love rugby, but don't take it, or ourselves, too seriously.”
Basically it’s four lads, mostly from Broughton Park RUFC in the greater Manchester area, banging (not harping, that’s trademarked) on about the game they love and manage to have a laugh in the process.  I don’t know about you, but I reckon that’s what such podcasts are all about.

Sure, we often want to hear from the journos and the players both former and current, but often their patter quickly becomes a cliché-fest and it’s refreshing to listen to genuine fans as well from time to time.

Regular features on the show include “Rugby-oke” when they play a clip of a rugby player belting out a tune - a recent one had Sam Thaiday & Benji Marshall doing some unplugged on The Footy Show.

Then we have the “Greatest XV” slot where they pick a team of players who’s names fall under a given theme, this week it was something of an Innuendo XV so as you’d expect players like Danny Grewcock and BJ Botha were mentioned once or twice!

But they do talk about actual rugby now and again and I’m looking forward to this week’s “Thank Ruck It’s Friday” edition to see what they make of Leinster coming over to play Northampton Saints.

Anyway…I think you get the idea, I reckon the show is worth a download & subscription, both free AudioBoo or iTunes, so get on it! JLP


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019