Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Front Five - 27.08.14

Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.


 “I think it’s brilliant. If he wanted to come back and live in Listowel we’d accommodate him as well,” quipped Anthony Foley

Even Pro12 rivals would welcome Jonny Sexton's return

Gerry Thornley - Irish Times 

"With that investment comes a pressure to achieve results and we know we need to fulfill that side of the bargain.

Pat Lam believes Kiwi legend Mils can be the Thorn in Connacht side

David Kelly - Irish Independent 

"it's about bringing our abilities together to create a vision and a plan, and then implementing it. Sadly, we haven't been doing that for the last 5 or 6 years."  Dragons DoR Lyn Jones 

Chris Hewett - (English) Independent 

He's an enigma in his ability to keep doing it. 

Craig Dowd - ESPN 

Brace yourselves, this might induce projectile vomiting from your ears. 


Jamie Heaslip does the worst impression of another human being ever

Ben Kiely - 

Feel free to share any interesting links you spot yourself about t’internet by emailTwitterFacebookGoogle+, blog comment or carrier pigeon – whatever works for you. JLP


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019