Saturday, May 02, 2020

Front Five - 02.05.20

Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.

Our "Front Five" feature is to get a spin off
very soon stay tuned!

...a PRO14 announcement could open the door for a summer interprovincial series in Ireland if permission was granted by public health officials.

Ruaidhri O'Connor - Irish Independent

Phase 5 - 10th August...Permit close physical contact sports (rugby, boxing, wrestling)

Paddy Mahoney -

"...if these unions cannot afford to make their female athletes full-time professionals then make them part-time; two days a week is better than none."

Giselle Mather - Rugby World

Beaumont and Pichot have agreed to bring the announcement forward after one of the closest races in history.

Chris Jones - BBC Sport

(James) Ryan’s assumption of all most demandingly physical roles of the Irish team has been the point that it’s essentially taken for granted.

Digging Like a Demented Mole

Feel free to share any interesting links you spot yourself about t’internet by email, Twitter, Facebook, blog comment or carrier pigeon – whatever works for you. JLP

Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019