Monday, September 14, 2020

Front Five - 14.09.20

Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.

ICYMI click here for a selection of
online comments after the PRO14 final

This unprecedented three-in-a-row...must surely be setting alarm bells ringing somewhere in the corridors of power.

Ruaidhri O'Connor - Irish Independent

If you want to distill the Leinster success story into single position, look no further than openside flanker and the two men that have dominated in that role this season.

Patrick McCarry - was a day to admire the next generation ...with Dom Morris, Janco Venter and...Cameron Boon all making the scoresheet.

Robert Kitson - The Guardian

"Of those six players - from five different clubs - tested positive and six members of staff."

Frank Nickson - Talking Rugby Union

The Dublin school...has produced scores of distinguished Ireland internationals...and won the...Leinster Schools Senior Cup on...69 occasions.

Brendan Gallagher - The Rugby Paper

Feel free to share any interesting links you spot yourself about t’internet by email, Twitter, Facebook, blog comment or carrier pigeon – whatever works for you. JLP

Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019