Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.
Best of luck to the Wolfpuppies this evening
Don’t forget our last “unriggable raffle” of the season
Later today on HarpinOnRugby…
our second test writeup is titled “Dizzy Heights”
"We have a very good set-piece and would hope that will continue, but at this stage of the tournament there is never going to be much between teams."
John Fallon - Irish Independent
“There are options with Luke Marshall still being in the squad....He’s played a fair bit at 13 this year so he would be one option, as would Jared Payne."
Gerry Thornley - Irish Times
“Patrick is still experiencing symptoms of concussion and will not be available for selection,”
The42,ie (via AFP)
"I signed a four-year contract to make England the best team in the world and I'm going to spend every minute I have doing that."
RTÉ Rugby
The back line features plenty of attacking flair with the highly promising fullback Bautista Delguy offering great counter attacking options.
Americas Rugby News
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby