Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.
Later today here on HarpinOnRugby...
We're liveblogging Leinster A v Plymouth Albion from Donnybrook Stadium

We're liveblogging Leinster A v Plymouth Albion from Donnybrook Stadium
"We believe we have put in place a strong coaching unit and the appropriate support structures that will enable both versions of the game to drive on in tandem." - David Nucifora
Ireland appoint full-time coaches
Marian Earles -
"The thing most people don't realise is he's spending an hour before every rugby session to get himself right to train."
'It's unbelievable Fitzgerald plays at this standard'
Ruaidhri O'Connor - Irish Independent
“I watch them train from ridiculous o’clock in the morning to late at night and think, 'Bloody hell, I would struggle to be starting my career right now'.”
Daniel Schofield - Telegraph
Can Old Belvedere seal a superb season with another title?
Kate Rowan -
The French club, Grenoble, have developed an interesting training technique to combat the risk of dropping the ball
The Grenoble Art
rugbyoldbloke blog
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby