Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.
Later today here on HarpinOnRugby...
our match writeup is titled
"Skin In The Game"

our match writeup is titled
"Skin In The Game"
"The reality of it is that we have to fight every week to get into that top four. At the minute we are not consistently playing well enough to maintain those points."
'Grumpy' Shane Jennings keeps the faith after Munster massacre
Ruaidhri O'Connor - Irish Independent
“I thought he played fantastic. He is a very physical guy, a great defender and he is always getting over the gain-line and offering options on the offload"
New boy Howard hails Hurley heroics
Simon Lewis - Irish Examiner
“I have found in my time here that, in the interpros, we always get the toughest calls [against us]."
Gavin Cummisky - Irish Times
Ulster looked content to contain their opponents and the game fizzled out as quickly
John McMurtry - Front Row Union
There are some crackers in here, bone shuddering tackles that may want you to run into something after.
Presenting The Biggest Rugby Hits Of 2014
Paul Ring -
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby