Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.
Sam, meet Ben.

How did the Blues manage to throw away that lead? That’s a simple one to answer, through rank indiscipline.
Indiscipline cost the them dearly but Josh Navidi is in seriously impressive form
Andy Howell - WalesOnline
It was entertaining enough, but not wholly satisfying. Both teams can play much better than this.
Bath 39 Wasps 26, match report: Sam Burgess scores try as hosts secure bonus-point victory in Aviva Premiership
Steve James - Telegraph spite of some admirable endeavours, ’Tarf simply could not breach the stern Lansdowne defence
Irish Times
As Ronan O’Gara eluded to on Newstalk following the announcement, it is simply about getting more game time and playing at a high level in European rugby
Richard Barrett - Pundit Arena
Sam Warburton is a top defender so barreling over the former Lions captain is sure to give Te’o a bit of a swagger as he adapts to the 15-man game.
Ben Te’o looked particularly beastly at 13 when boshing Sam Warburton earlier
Will Slattery -
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby