Start your day with five eye-catching egg-chasing quotes & links from around the ruggersphere.
Hang's the end of January already?

Like all auditions, last night's final trial contained a mixture of nerves, frayed performances and some individuals standing out from the crowd.
Disappointing Irish Wolfhounds fail to halt Saxons
Irish Independent
It has been mentioned in the letters page of this newspaper almost twice as often as Saipan. It made John Hayes cry.
Ireland’s Call: standing tall for 20 years
Malachy Clerkin - Irish Times
"We missed so many chances to kill that game off and it just wouldn't die"
When it comes to the figures, even Wall Street might sit up and take notice of the Six Nations.
Chris Hewett - (English) Independent
"There’s times when I’ve thought about going for a burger in Hillbillys after a game while I’m lining up a kick"
Ronan O’Gara Used To Think Of Some Quite Odd Things When Taking Kicks
Conor Neville -
Note - views expressed in "Front Five" links do not necessarily reflect those of HarpinOnRugby