Saturday, June 03, 2017

The Secrets of the Best Rugby Players

Rugby training is a discussion that requires much more attention than just one small article. Being disciplined about your training routines could easily launch you into stardom among the toughest professionals.
Some say that cardio is the most important workout in rugby training. It’s supposed to be the only one that’s worth showing up early for training and the reason why amateur players cannot excel (those that don’t do cardio). Something like when rugby bettors say that Bet365 free sports bets are the best reason to be betting.
But, here is what the professionals recommend. We looked up workouts of players like Luther Burrell, Ugo Monye, Alex Corbisiero, Danny Cipriani and James Haskell and found their training secrets behind their physical superiority, and here is what they say.

Luther Burrell
Luther Burrell, the battering ram of the Northampton Saints has the ability to make the hard yards in contact and his running style is particularly hard. It’s all thanks to his power workouts. He claims that hill sprints, and a combination of side planks and split squats is the secret behind his rocket legs that made him a powerful sprinter.

Ugo Monye
Ugo Monye’s trademarks are his searing pace and clinical finishing. It’s why he is a Quin legend and one of the best English flyers. He is definitely one of the fastest men to have ever played in the England team, and the reason are his speed workouts. He actually was a sprinter long before getting into rugby, so that helped a lot. But, Ugo’s advice is not to rely only on speed. Try to gain some size to get the perfect powerhouse combination.

Alex Corbisiero
England’s front row has never had a champion like Alex Corbisiero. If it weren’t for his successive injuries, he would be the most dominating player ever all thanks to his heavy strength workouts for his upper and lower body with a little core balance added. Alex has also decided to go gluten free which has helped him to avoid illnesses before match day.

Danny Cipriani
Danny Cipriani is a player that could have easily lost his talent and fall into the oblivion of front page news unrelated to his playing. But, he isn’t the first and will not be the last player to fall under the pressure of being a star that went supernova. Nevertheless, his secret behind his successes on the pitch are his body workouts like Bulgarian split squats, standard press-ups, standard sit-ups, lying hip raise, and dumbbell front raise. He also does bodyweight workouts a lot.

James Haskell

James Haskell is probably the rugby player with the best physique. He is an international star and trains like one. He has an exclusive program for power and strength workouts that help him be the monstrous physical beast that he is. Try his program to unleash the rugby beast sitting dormant in yourself.


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019