Wednesday, October 19, 2016

50/50 by The Laighin Pit ep 3

In speaking on behalf of the Laighin Pit, and I believe, all Leinster fans, we are truly shocked and saddened by the passing of Anthony 'Axel'  Foley. A true legend of club, province and country, he gave his all both on the pitch and off it, a man to be admired regardless of the colour of your jersey. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family, friends, and the rugby community. Lost far too young, he will be sorely missed. #RIPAxel


photo by Ken Bohane 2012

For many years now Leinster Rugby have been welcomed to the hallowed RDS turf by the iconic sign you see above which is proudly hoisted by the Laighin Pit lads.

Now they are having a go at some YouTubing and we were honoured here at Harpin Manor to be asked to host their 50/50 recordings.

Basically what they do is ask a Leinster fan a series of random, "either/or" questions after a match...some are about rugby, others not so much.

Here is Episode 3 recorded before the recent interpro against Munster...

If you'd like to take part or if you have any suggestions for questions please contact us here at


Taken by JLP from RDS press box on Nov 16, 2019